OEM Profile | Message Templates Tab

This tab is used to add new email templates and manage existing ones. Email templates are pre-generated responses that can be used in alerts to notify users of a particular action or event. Using these templates, OEMs can customize emails sent to end-users by the Ayla Cloud on behalf of the OEM.

From the Message Templates tab, OEMs can design an HTML email template that incorporates any logos or messages that are visible to the end user. When content is dynamic, the templates contain placeholder strings. These placeholder strings are substituted by the Ayla Cloud when the actual email is constructed.

Currently, individual email templates are needed for these services:

  • Property triggers (when trigger condition is set to True, send an alert)
  • User confirmation on sign-up (or re-confirmation of original email request)
  • User password reset instructions
  • Device sharing

The Message Templates tab maintains a table listing of available templates, which provides the following information:

  • Template ID - unique ID assigned to the template
  • Name - user-assigned name of the template
  • Description - information about the template
  • File Size - size in bytes of the template file
  • Actions - user-actions to be applied to the template:
  • Upload - to upload a replacement template file using the following icon:

  • Download - to download the template file using the following icon:

  • Trash Can - delete the template with confirmation using the following icon:

From the Message Templates tab, you can do the following:



See also: Create New Email Template, Update Email Template, Guidelines for Email Templates,

How to get here on the dashboard: Click OEM Profile in the Navigation Panel on the left and then the Email Templates tab.